בית מנחם מענדל חב"ד
At the Rohr Family Educational Center
Yeshiva will be continuing into summer
Feburary 04, 2016
Yeshivas Tzeirei Hashluchim is proud to announce its decision of continuing sedorim through the summer 5776.
The following is an exerpt of a letter sent to parents notifying them about the summer and its schedule:
"Beginning on Sunday 4 Tammuz, July 10th, the Yeshiva will continue the sedorim into a special summer program till 28 Av, September 1st. The goal of the summer program is to allow the bochurim to rest a little through-out the summer and allow an easy-going and comfortable atmosphere between the staff and Talmidim Hashluchim with the bochurim. We are confident that the special atmosphere of the summer will add a lot to the success of the talmidim in their learning and yiras shomayim, and will help them succeed during the upcoming school year.
During this program there will be regular learning through the Yeshiva staff, the schedule of the day will change by giving extra hours of rest and playing, the talmidim will go several times a week to swimming and once a week we will go out for a trip through-out Israel. In addition, the Yeshiva will leave twice during the summer for Shabbatons."
As most talmidim in Yeshiva live very far away, and affording a ticket for 3 weeks may be difficult for parents, the Yeshiva will continue through what-is-known-as 'bein hazmanim' - after Tisha B'av till Rosh Chodesh Elul. However, from Monday 11 Av, August 15th till Monday 2 Elul, September 5th, talmidim will be able to travel either home or to relatives in Israel (by the decision of the parents) while yeshiva will continue with the summer program for the rest of the talmidim. There will most-likely be an exciting and different schedule for those who stay - details will follow.